当你毕业后,几乎每一天都是这样过。天天晚餐都一个人出去打包回来吃。 还蛮闷的生活, 可是只能这样罢了。我知道我能应付得来的因为我是张修胜, 闷是不会把我打倒的.每天吃完晚餐后就坐在电脑面前对电脑到睡觉,无聊极了.前天还生了一场小病, 可是还蛮辛苦的, 又要做tax assignment,有完全不会做,变得 性情很低落, 真得很像骂人。刚好有你这个老婆, 就好像知道我性情不好, 自然而然的就打来和我谈天, 真是很感谢你。 当跟你谈天使都把烦恼抛之脑后, 完完全全忘记知己心情不好了。就自然而然谈得很开心。
今天也发生了一件奇怪事,一个已经很久没见面的朋友,一个蛮好的朋友通过电话。真得很开心, 也蛮想念这个朋友。可是她总是都很忙。看她也成熟了一点,还知道她开了一件衣服店,蛮像一个女强人。也知道她交了新男友 也替她开心,希望她能辛福。有钱了别忘记我哦!
MPO其中考要到了, 星期五就要考了, 可是我还没有心情去读. 真的要加油了.这个学期没有什么心几去读. 不知道为什么?上个学期还有少少勤劳, 可是这个学期真得很糟糕.完全没有一份心去读书. 应该家里能打dota了. 另一个原因应该是(你)毕业了.精神上没有了寄托.有时候觉得我真的需要一个人督处我读书.可是这只是借口,我要靠自己. 努力读书. 才可以实现我唯一的愿望, 快点毕业, 快点离开这个超闷的人间地狱.
成绩出炉了,这次还考到不错一下,觉得都很满意,就只有一科比较失望就是CB这一科。开学也有一个星期了,也知道班上的同学之间发生很多问题,每个都在为thesis group的事烦, 反而我呢就是最轻松那一个,也许我知道自己会没有group吧!所以也没有担心那么多,就走一步算一步这样过下去,到最后只好join别一班的thesis group了,
每次到form assignment group的时候我就是最怕的。怕什么?就是怕自己没有group。在班上也没有人会注意到我的。因为我只是一个无名小卒。 从year 2开始就这样了。也许不能怪任何人。因为每个人都想和会做东西的人同一组又或者是想跟自己的朋友一起做assignment罢了!在这花样年华的现实世界里也很少人会伸出援手来帮着别人吧!
最近看了一部古装连续剧,《巾帼鹪雄》这部连续剧真是超好看。 主角是四奶奶和一个男人叫柴九的人。四奶奶是一个敢做敢当的女人,肯为人民百姓牺牲的女人,这个四奶奶拥有一番大事业,就是她们家是开米厂的, 她开米厂不只是为了赚钱也是为了造福人民,让每个人民都能吃便宜的米。这个四奶奶永远都是为别人着想的,从没为自己的利益而出卖别人或伤害到别人,到最后还为了人民百姓差一点作了砍头鬼。
而柴九这个人呢就出生在一个很穷很穷的村庄, 那个村庄还不断发生饥荒,可是他就是穷得很有骨气,他有一个愿望就是希望有一天他能变一个有钱人然后一车一车白米送给他村庄的人好让他们不会再饿肚子。当他刚到一个城市的时候遇上一些坏蛋,那就是米厂的大少爷,大少爷就让他打工而没有工钱的只是让他吃罢了,有吃无工。他为了活下去就只好乖乖就范。直到遇上四奶奶,他才开始有出头天。 四奶奶也三番四次救了他的命, 受了四奶奶的恩惠,他就一心帮四奶奶做事, 他也很遵从四奶奶,当然四奶奶也很器重他,到最后还为了四奶奶送上自己的小命。真是太感人了。
如果在现实世界里都出现这样的人,不自私,处处为人着想, 拔刀相助,那就不会有吵架声,讨厌这个讨厌哪个的事情发生了。这部古装连续剧大家一定要花一点时间去看看。真得很值得看的。
每次到form assignment group的时候我就是最怕的。怕什么?就是怕自己没有group。在班上也没有人会注意到我的。因为我只是一个无名小卒。 从year 2开始就这样了。也许不能怪任何人。因为每个人都想和会做东西的人同一组又或者是想跟自己的朋友一起做assignment罢了!在这花样年华的现实世界里也很少人会伸出援手来帮着别人吧!
最近看了一部古装连续剧,《巾帼鹪雄》这部连续剧真是超好看。 主角是四奶奶和一个男人叫柴九的人。四奶奶是一个敢做敢当的女人,肯为人民百姓牺牲的女人,这个四奶奶拥有一番大事业,就是她们家是开米厂的, 她开米厂不只是为了赚钱也是为了造福人民,让每个人民都能吃便宜的米。这个四奶奶永远都是为别人着想的,从没为自己的利益而出卖别人或伤害到别人,到最后还为了人民百姓差一点作了砍头鬼。
而柴九这个人呢就出生在一个很穷很穷的村庄, 那个村庄还不断发生饥荒,可是他就是穷得很有骨气,他有一个愿望就是希望有一天他能变一个有钱人然后一车一车白米送给他村庄的人好让他们不会再饿肚子。当他刚到一个城市的时候遇上一些坏蛋,那就是米厂的大少爷,大少爷就让他打工而没有工钱的只是让他吃罢了,有吃无工。他为了活下去就只好乖乖就范。直到遇上四奶奶,他才开始有出头天。 四奶奶也三番四次救了他的命, 受了四奶奶的恩惠,他就一心帮四奶奶做事, 他也很遵从四奶奶,当然四奶奶也很器重他,到最后还为了四奶奶送上自己的小命。真是太感人了。
如果在现实世界里都出现这样的人,不自私,处处为人着想, 拔刀相助,那就不会有吵架声,讨厌这个讨厌哪个的事情发生了。这部古装连续剧大家一定要花一点时间去看看。真得很值得看的。
Nice trip at PULAU REDANG
13th - 15th of May i have been join a trip go to Pulau Redang. We go Redang by aeroplane, the aeroplane company is FIREFLY. This is my first time riding aeroplane, the feeling of mine is very happy and tensity. Actually ride aeroplane is nothing special thing, but after the aeroplane fly above the cloud the view of the aeroplane is very beautiful. The claud is just like the cottons so beautiful, above the cloud is cloud. Haiz.........air stewardess don't want talk la. The level low like hell, not pretty and no good customer service when this air stewardess talk with the pilot then they will so happy. zzzzzzzzzzzz........one of the air stewardess when serve us she serve like not satisfy but when talk with a guy pilot her face damn happy.
Although the distance from KL to Pulau Redang very long but it just use about 1 hour then reach to out destination. Wa..... the view of Pulau Redang really very very pretty. Cambridge blue of sea water, white color sand on the beach and the hotel make by wood. All of this very pretty in my eye sight. Beside that there are many sand castle there all of these sand castle are made by people. Some are pretty some are don't know what is that.
At Pulau Redang the activity only can do is just snockering inside the sea many type of fish can be seen. we can see a big big fish there, beside that there are also many colorful fish yellow, blue, red really many type of fish. There are also many type of carol in the sea. This is my first experience when see the life form inside the sea. when we see all of those thing just like a picture.
At Pulau Redang at night there are nothing to do but luckily there are a small pub there when at night nothing to do can go sing at the small pub there is free of charge one. beside that there also provide few games to us like we can play mahjong, congkak, chess, poker game. all of this thing can borrow from the receiptionist it also free of charge. We capture many photo there. We take the 'more more tea' picture. 'More more tea' is a place that a hong kong movie have made at there before.
Result will release soon. very scare now. After i heard that there are 7 person fail in NS i really really scare because i have a lot don't know do when do NS.Zzzzzzzzz........god please bless me pass all the exam in this semester.
And tomorrow i will go Genting highland again.
Although the distance from KL to Pulau Redang very long but it just use about 1 hour then reach to out destination. Wa..... the view of Pulau Redang really very very pretty. Cambridge blue of sea water, white color sand on the beach and the hotel make by wood. All of this very pretty in my eye sight. Beside that there are many sand castle there all of these sand castle are made by people. Some are pretty some are don't know what is that.
At Pulau Redang the activity only can do is just snockering inside the sea many type of fish can be seen. we can see a big big fish there, beside that there are also many colorful fish yellow, blue, red really many type of fish. There are also many type of carol in the sea. This is my first experience when see the life form inside the sea. when we see all of those thing just like a picture.
At Pulau Redang at night there are nothing to do but luckily there are a small pub there when at night nothing to do can go sing at the small pub there is free of charge one. beside that there also provide few games to us like we can play mahjong, congkak, chess, poker game. all of this thing can borrow from the receiptionist it also free of charge. We capture many photo there. We take the 'more more tea' picture. 'More more tea' is a place that a hong kong movie have made at there before.
Result will release soon. very scare now. After i heard that there are 7 person fail in NS i really really scare because i have a lot don't know do when do NS.Zzzzzzzzz........god please bless me pass all the exam in this semester.
And tomorrow i will go Genting highland again.
Relax trip (Genting again)
Last week i went to Genting Highland again. I went there is just for relax and celebrated because all assignment and mid-term were completed. This trip actually is want to celebrate birthday with a girl. A girl already together with me in 3 years times. Although i didn't give her surprise in her birthday (i think every year birthday also didn't give her surprise), and not a special birthday for her, but i think she not mind de as long as i didn't forget her birthday. This i need to say sorry to u my lovest dear. Sorry ya. In her birthday i just bring her to a Genting's small hong kong's style restaurant have a meal only. After we eat at the Hong Kong's style restaurant we conclude that 'no more next time' because that restaurant's food not delicious enough and very expensive.
That day we go to casino again. Haiz......lose again but just Rm50. Before i go in the casino i realised that sure will lose money but don't know y i still keep going until i lose money only scare.
Lose money is just a small case la. That day we at Genting capture many memorable photos. Last time for me i don't like to take photo, but after together with this girl i started like to take photo. Maybe just like to take with this girl only la. Besides that we also go to the temple at Genting. and i donate some money at there. And also make a wish there? At there we also meet some foreign country friend there? They take our photo and chat with us. They ask us many question. These foreign country friend seem like so friendly when see us take our photo and keep 'give me 5' with us. lastly also shake hand with us. i don't understand y Malaysian will not as friendly as them. This situation will appear only when successful doing a business only will shake hand. If no benefit appear in Malaysia Malaysian will not hold hand with each other.It is so realistic. If i have opportunity i sure will travel to other foreign country to have a look to their country, their culture and their friendly environment. But all of these dream must wait until i become rich at 1 day only can achieve this goal. But never mind i will try my best to become a rich guy, at that time i will enjoy my life haha..........
Wa....come back to Genting's weather i really like it so much. If Sg Long weather can also like Genting's weather it must be perfect enough. After i come back from Genting highland the weather in Sg long hot like hell, sometime can't sleep because of weather. i already go Genting 4 times with my dearest Lou po zai. Y we go Genting so many times geh? Because we like the weather there.
That day we go to casino again. Haiz......lose again but just Rm50. Before i go in the casino i realised that sure will lose money but don't know y i still keep going until i lose money only scare.
Lose money is just a small case la. That day we at Genting capture many memorable photos. Last time for me i don't like to take photo, but after together with this girl i started like to take photo. Maybe just like to take with this girl only la. Besides that we also go to the temple at Genting. and i donate some money at there. And also make a wish there? At there we also meet some foreign country friend there? They take our photo and chat with us. They ask us many question. These foreign country friend seem like so friendly when see us take our photo and keep 'give me 5' with us. lastly also shake hand with us. i don't understand y Malaysian will not as friendly as them. This situation will appear only when successful doing a business only will shake hand. If no benefit appear in Malaysia Malaysian will not hold hand with each other.It is so realistic. If i have opportunity i sure will travel to other foreign country to have a look to their country, their culture and their friendly environment. But all of these dream must wait until i become rich at 1 day only can achieve this goal. But never mind i will try my best to become a rich guy, at that time i will enjoy my life haha..........
Wa....come back to Genting's weather i really like it so much. If Sg Long weather can also like Genting's weather it must be perfect enough. After i come back from Genting highland the weather in Sg long hot like hell, sometime can't sleep because of weather. i already go Genting 4 times with my dearest Lou po zai. Y we go Genting so many times geh? Because we like the weather there.
Movie again. 'TAKEN'
Today my plan is really full, full, and full. I wake up at 1pm then go have a lunch after that i go to Leisure Mall to return broadband to Maxis Center. After that i back to my home again play a while pet society in facebook. Then CB LAI call me because we already made an appointment to go sing k together today. After he call me about half an hours ago he drive us to Jusco Green Box when reach there i meet many people at Jusco Green Box. Meet Racheal (CB's ex-housemate) and also Andrew (ex-housemate). Maybe this week they also free so all go sing k. After sing k we go to Taman Cornord's night market to have our lunch. We meet Tiu Nia Seng and his gf at there also.
After eat we go Mid-valley to watch movie. We stay there (ticket counter) quite a long time to make decision wheather which movie is the best. Lastly when i see the trailer of 'TAKEN' is quite nice so i ask my 'Lou Po Zai' wanna watch 'TAKEN' or not? But she seem like don't want watch le because she tell me that she very tired already. But after that i still go buy that ticket with Irene them. This movie really very nice. People that say no money and no time also should spend time to go watch this movie. I can guarantee that u guys will not regret after watch this movie.
At the beginning of this movie is talking about a man is just a normal father. This man is already divorce with his wife but this man have a daughter with his wife. He is very love his daughter every year his daughter's birthday he also will give present to his daughter but his daughter still blame his father not so understand her so much because the girl think that what she really want her daddy also don't know. Her step father only know what the girl really like.
At the middle of the movie the daughter started ask what her father do. Her father try to not answer his daughter at the beginning but after that her father only tell her his job is a preventor. This job is help government do the important things, is to prevent from people to do something bad. The girl want go travel whole world when she is in 17 but her father don't allow his daughter go travel because his father think that his daughter so young cannot go travel so far. As a father sure will worry about their daughter because this is the first time his daughter leave their parents and go travel to other country. But at last her father also allow her go travel already. The first station the girl is Paris but the first day the girl and her friend reach Paris something happening. The girl and her friend are caught by somebody to have bawdry transaction. Before the girl get caught she saw her friend get caught first at that time she is calling her daddy then she tell her daddy the thing happen. This man as a daddy for that girl and also as a preventor tell his daughter how to do although he know that his daughter sure will get caught. He ask his daughter put her phone under the bed then call his daughter shout loudly about how the person look like and her daughter follow what her father ask for. After the daughter get caught, the bad guy receive the call then the father try to make the bad guy talk to him and make him can easily recognize the bad guy voice. The next day the father go to Paris and quickly collect all the information from his daughter hotel and rescue her daughter out from the bad guy.
Now is the peak of this movie, Before the father rescue his daughter. He do thing always calm and will not make himself easy to lose to the bad guys. Besides that his father react so fast when fight with bad guys. Wa......shiok ah. Lastly sure this father success rescue this girl from the bad guys but unluckily his daughter's friend die already because the bad guys give too much of drug to this girl. Bad guys give them drugs because they want make all the victims unable to resist from to have bawdry transaction. When all the victims take these drugs they look like no more energy to do everything so they just can let other guys simply have sex with them and the bad guys can earn more money from here. This is an unethical business so girls must becareful oh.....
I think this is the movie i will not suggest wrong to u all de. So who see my blog must fast fast go watch this movie after see my blog.
And now is time to sleep. Good night to myself. z~~~~~~z~~~~~~z~~~~~~~
After eat we go Mid-valley to watch movie. We stay there (ticket counter) quite a long time to make decision wheather which movie is the best. Lastly when i see the trailer of 'TAKEN' is quite nice so i ask my 'Lou Po Zai' wanna watch 'TAKEN' or not? But she seem like don't want watch le because she tell me that she very tired already. But after that i still go buy that ticket with Irene them. This movie really very nice. People that say no money and no time also should spend time to go watch this movie. I can guarantee that u guys will not regret after watch this movie.
At the beginning of this movie is talking about a man is just a normal father. This man is already divorce with his wife but this man have a daughter with his wife. He is very love his daughter every year his daughter's birthday he also will give present to his daughter but his daughter still blame his father not so understand her so much because the girl think that what she really want her daddy also don't know. Her step father only know what the girl really like.
At the middle of the movie the daughter started ask what her father do. Her father try to not answer his daughter at the beginning but after that her father only tell her his job is a preventor. This job is help government do the important things, is to prevent from people to do something bad. The girl want go travel whole world when she is in 17 but her father don't allow his daughter go travel because his father think that his daughter so young cannot go travel so far. As a father sure will worry about their daughter because this is the first time his daughter leave their parents and go travel to other country. But at last her father also allow her go travel already. The first station the girl is Paris but the first day the girl and her friend reach Paris something happening. The girl and her friend are caught by somebody to have bawdry transaction. Before the girl get caught she saw her friend get caught first at that time she is calling her daddy then she tell her daddy the thing happen. This man as a daddy for that girl and also as a preventor tell his daughter how to do although he know that his daughter sure will get caught. He ask his daughter put her phone under the bed then call his daughter shout loudly about how the person look like and her daughter follow what her father ask for. After the daughter get caught, the bad guy receive the call then the father try to make the bad guy talk to him and make him can easily recognize the bad guy voice. The next day the father go to Paris and quickly collect all the information from his daughter hotel and rescue her daughter out from the bad guy.
Now is the peak of this movie, Before the father rescue his daughter. He do thing always calm and will not make himself easy to lose to the bad guys. Besides that his father react so fast when fight with bad guys. Wa......shiok ah. Lastly sure this father success rescue this girl from the bad guys but unluckily his daughter's friend die already because the bad guys give too much of drug to this girl. Bad guys give them drugs because they want make all the victims unable to resist from to have bawdry transaction. When all the victims take these drugs they look like no more energy to do everything so they just can let other guys simply have sex with them and the bad guys can earn more money from here. This is an unethical business so girls must becareful oh.....
I think this is the movie i will not suggest wrong to u all de. So who see my blog must fast fast go watch this movie after see my blog.
And now is time to sleep. Good night to myself. z~~~~~~z~~~~~~z~~~~~~~
Feel so frustrated to myself because already promise myself must start study from this Monday but i didn't study at all. Today already Tuesday but i not even study 1 chapter. I must study le. Promise myself one more time after tomorrow go to Ktv sing i must start study le because this semester subject all quite hard de. i don't wish go Kampar because too far for me. I must study tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today after 7pm class i go play dota with my housemate. This is a friendship tournament. This tournament take more than 1 hour quite a long game. But lastly still win the game la. Don't know y me like not so aggressive like last time, last time when i play dota let people kill i will very angry. Besides that, if no teamwork i also will angry myself y same team with them but now although let people kill and got someone no teamwork in my team i also will not angry them de. Haha.....maybe i become a good guy already. Or maybe long time didn't play dota with people le because of the suck line make me can't play GG client. More prefer play dota with real human than play with computer. Haha......seem like so Lanci.
After tomorrow i really need to concern on prepare final exam le. So good luck to myself la.
Tomorrow is also one of my classmate birthday. Jolin hope u don't mind la i didn't go celebrate your birthday. Wish u happy birthday and happy forever with Darren (Dailan).
Today after 7pm class i go play dota with my housemate. This is a friendship tournament. This tournament take more than 1 hour quite a long game. But lastly still win the game la. Don't know y me like not so aggressive like last time, last time when i play dota let people kill i will very angry. Besides that, if no teamwork i also will angry myself y same team with them but now although let people kill and got someone no teamwork in my team i also will not angry them de. Haha.....maybe i become a good guy already. Or maybe long time didn't play dota with people le because of the suck line make me can't play GG client. More prefer play dota with real human than play with computer. Haha......seem like so Lanci.
After tomorrow i really need to concern on prepare final exam le. So good luck to myself la.
Tomorrow is also one of my classmate birthday. Jolin hope u don't mind la i didn't go celebrate your birthday. Wish u happy birthday and happy forever with Darren (Dailan).
Go for movie
Today wake up at 2pm something. After wake up sure go brush teeth and bath. After go bath got a people his name start with CB de he say got something want tell me. I think is a serious thing happen again because his tone like something serious happen again but when he tell me only i realize that is just a small small thing.zzzzzzzzz..... After that i go to watch a movie at Jusco the main actor for this movie is The Rock this movie name is Race in witch mountain,THE ROCK is the character in WWF smackdown (last time) now he become more and more popular already after he first be the actor in THE MUMMY.
This movie is quite ok because this movie is talk about how THE ROCK to be a taxi driver to send the two alien to get a thing then how to help the two alien find their space ship and how to protect the two alien safe to go back their own planet. At the end of the movie THE ROCK become famous in Hollywood. I also don't know y something like not relate to that movie.
After the movie we want take taxi back de but the taxi driver request RM10 from us to send us back. I almost treat him eat shit already. So short distance he want us pay RM10. So after that we wait for the bus. Haiz......no car really so uncomfortable to me, but have car also cant affordable for me because need to let the car drink petrol and when the car is broken down need a lot of money to cure the car. Just can wait until work only buy a car lo.
This movie is quite ok because this movie is talk about how THE ROCK to be a taxi driver to send the two alien to get a thing then how to help the two alien find their space ship and how to protect the two alien safe to go back their own planet. At the end of the movie THE ROCK become famous in Hollywood. I also don't know y something like not relate to that movie.
After the movie we want take taxi back de but the taxi driver request RM10 from us to send us back. I almost treat him eat shit already. So short distance he want us pay RM10. So after that we wait for the bus. Haiz......no car really so uncomfortable to me, but have car also cant affordable for me because need to let the car drink petrol and when the car is broken down need a lot of money to cure the car. Just can wait until work only buy a car lo.
phew.......very relax now.
Yesterday was my last presentation for NEGOTIATION SKILL.Although presented so bad but passed already. Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So happy and feel that so relax.
This semester mid term result all also not in a satisfy situation. Is it the exam so hard? Or is it is lecture mark our mid term until so strict? or our study become more and more hard already? or is it myself lazy to study? Erm........... i think there are mixed. This semester can be say that really no time to study for our mid term. Everyday just busy for assignment only this semester only i started feel that what is a busy life for me. Before this i really don't recognize 'busy' this word, but until this semester i know 'busy' this word very well. 1 day 24 hours really not enough for me. When doing assignment i really hope that god can give me more than 24 hours in one day. haha.......so funny i will think like that. Like last time i sure have a lot of time to play game, spend times to accompany my gf, go out and do something noncense. For this semester just can do assignment, assignment and assignment only.
Actually i also know myself very poor in english language like other person doing 1 journal review maybe use 1 day enough for them to complete the task but for me just read 1 journal and understand the journal only already need 1 whole day and apply thing to the journal sure will make mistake, sure need redo the journal review, but we really no choice we must do the assignment until correct even though do wrong many times because this is the commitment we made with UTAR. The thing we must do if we want graduate. So dun know how to do also need to force myself to do and learn to do.
Don't know y i think that this semester is hard for me, maybe is midterm result make me scare already and no confident when sitting my final exam hope that i can pass all my subjects in my final la. friends please pray for me. haha...........
Relax for a few days then need to start prepare my final again. Is time back to the hell. Suffer time is coming. No................someone help me please don't let me fall into the hell.
Whatever la. I am CSS leh. not so easy die de. What people can do i also can do. Although i need spend more time than other people to do 1 thing but i belief that if i really try to do a thing sure can complete it de. GO GO GO.....................
Is time for "chu chiong fan".
BYE BYE. NITEZ>>>>>>>>>
This semester mid term result all also not in a satisfy situation. Is it the exam so hard? Or is it is lecture mark our mid term until so strict? or our study become more and more hard already? or is it myself lazy to study? Erm........... i think there are mixed. This semester can be say that really no time to study for our mid term. Everyday just busy for assignment only this semester only i started feel that what is a busy life for me. Before this i really don't recognize 'busy' this word, but until this semester i know 'busy' this word very well. 1 day 24 hours really not enough for me. When doing assignment i really hope that god can give me more than 24 hours in one day. haha.......so funny i will think like that. Like last time i sure have a lot of time to play game, spend times to accompany my gf, go out and do something noncense. For this semester just can do assignment, assignment and assignment only.
Actually i also know myself very poor in english language like other person doing 1 journal review maybe use 1 day enough for them to complete the task but for me just read 1 journal and understand the journal only already need 1 whole day and apply thing to the journal sure will make mistake, sure need redo the journal review, but we really no choice we must do the assignment until correct even though do wrong many times because this is the commitment we made with UTAR. The thing we must do if we want graduate. So dun know how to do also need to force myself to do and learn to do.
Don't know y i think that this semester is hard for me, maybe is midterm result make me scare already and no confident when sitting my final exam hope that i can pass all my subjects in my final la. friends please pray for me. haha...........
Relax for a few days then need to start prepare my final again. Is time back to the hell. Suffer time is coming. No................someone help me please don't let me fall into the hell.
Whatever la. I am CSS leh. not so easy die de. What people can do i also can do. Although i need spend more time than other people to do 1 thing but i belief that if i really try to do a thing sure can complete it de. GO GO GO.....................
Is time for "chu chiong fan".
BYE BYE. NITEZ>>>>>>>>>
start relax le
now still left 2 task 2 go that is MALAYSIA ECONOMIC debate and NEGOTIATION SKILL presentation after next week will be finish but can be say that relax already.
but after that need to prepare final exam le. sienz only.........
today my class have something happen that is we tell lie to our CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR lecturer. my classmates all tell him i already married and have 2 children. that lecturer really belief wat we say. and after he teaching for few minutes he ask me 'is it real i already married' really sot sot lecturer like this he also can belief. zha dao.......
wa.......think back really long time didnt play teacher like that le. i still remember that the last time i play teacher is in form 5 our modern math teacher, her name i still remember her name is lim bee sim maybe speeling is wrong but the pronounciation is right de. still remember she like to scold me then i will scold back the teacher but just play play de, if she lose in scolding then she will angry and say me is 'chung hua shit'.this is her ultimate skill. once she use i will die and nothing to say. she call me like this because that time i transfer school from independent school to the sekolah menengah. so she think that we not able to study at independent school only transfer to sekolah menengah de. when she say like that i nothing to say le. haha..........that time really is a happy time for me and my friend. after grow to university all people like so realistic.haiz........
at here need to thx a person that is TIU NIA SING i think that person only know who is him. this sem i join him in assignment he teach us how to present. although i didnt go for soft skill but he tell me how to present make me more confident when presenting. from sem 1 until now no people in my class will teach me like that de. and help me correct my assignment. i know when 1 people correct my assignment sure very suffer de coz i sure hv too many gramar and language mistake. TIU NIA SING THANK KAO U.
finally hope that i can pass all my final la.
but after that need to prepare final exam le. sienz only.........
today my class have something happen that is we tell lie to our CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR lecturer. my classmates all tell him i already married and have 2 children. that lecturer really belief wat we say. and after he teaching for few minutes he ask me 'is it real i already married' really sot sot lecturer like this he also can belief. zha dao.......
wa.......think back really long time didnt play teacher like that le. i still remember that the last time i play teacher is in form 5 our modern math teacher, her name i still remember her name is lim bee sim maybe speeling is wrong but the pronounciation is right de. still remember she like to scold me then i will scold back the teacher but just play play de, if she lose in scolding then she will angry and say me is 'chung hua shit'.this is her ultimate skill. once she use i will die and nothing to say. she call me like this because that time i transfer school from independent school to the sekolah menengah. so she think that we not able to study at independent school only transfer to sekolah menengah de. when she say like that i nothing to say le. haha..........that time really is a happy time for me and my friend. after grow to university all people like so realistic.haiz........
at here need to thx a person that is TIU NIA SING i think that person only know who is him. this sem i join him in assignment he teach us how to present. although i didnt go for soft skill but he tell me how to present make me more confident when presenting. from sem 1 until now no people in my class will teach me like that de. and help me correct my assignment. i know when 1 people correct my assignment sure very suffer de coz i sure hv too many gramar and language mistake. TIU NIA SING THANK KAO U.
finally hope that i can pass all my final la.
yesterday after finish discuss assignment we go to have lunch at BALAKONG.
haha..... KS ate worm but he still like so happy and say is health for him. so funny.......
today discuss assignment again. shit....... all rejected. haha......sometime really think that i really don't know how to do assignment. maybe not don't know how to do is not understand what the assignment want. Language problem again. suck.......
today after hear to my classmate say UTAR ball seem like so happy like that. is it i didn't go for UTAR ball is a wrong decision? I lose a chance to know more about outsider thing like know more leng lui, go learn drink beer, learn dance at the dance pool and learn to kao lui. seem that so syok.
please let me fast fast past this week. i don't want suffer because of doing assignment le. CB lai thx for giving me idea on my assignment although all wrong. u this 'lan sing' next time don't like that already make people so cham.........wei CB LAI just kidding. thats all for today
haha..... KS ate worm but he still like so happy and say is health for him. so funny.......
today discuss assignment again. shit....... all rejected. haha......sometime really think that i really don't know how to do assignment. maybe not don't know how to do is not understand what the assignment want. Language problem again. suck.......
today after hear to my classmate say UTAR ball seem like so happy like that. is it i didn't go for UTAR ball is a wrong decision? I lose a chance to know more about outsider thing like know more leng lui, go learn drink beer, learn dance at the dance pool and learn to kao lui. seem that so syok.
please let me fast fast past this week. i don't want suffer because of doing assignment le. CB lai thx for giving me idea on my assignment although all wrong. u this 'lan sing' next time don't like that already make people so cham.........wei CB LAI just kidding. thats all for today
stress releasing
See people write blog then for myself also learn to write blog.
like a copy cat right. no matter got people see or not i just write to remind me what i do b4. bad thing, good thing, happy and sad also record down.
it is nothing special happen today, just a normal day.
i sleep for a whole day like a pig if not my girl girl call me wake up i think i still can sleep.
Dun know y i can sleep like that, this few weeks really so tired for assignment, mid term and presentation. i think all of us (classmate) also like that.no choice university life is like that busy for assignment, test and presentation.
and my English poor like hell. Read a journal also need for one whole day. Luckily now just left few task then mission will be accomplished. (1 report, 1 debate, 1 presentation and 1 comment) after this week i will get back my freedom.
this few day really relax just play game sleep and eat only. wa........... if everyday like this my life like become in a heaven. and now need to prepare logistic management's assignment again. will be back after this. bye bye.............
like a copy cat right. no matter got people see or not i just write to remind me what i do b4. bad thing, good thing, happy and sad also record down.
it is nothing special happen today, just a normal day.
i sleep for a whole day like a pig if not my girl girl call me wake up i think i still can sleep.
Dun know y i can sleep like that, this few weeks really so tired for assignment, mid term and presentation. i think all of us (classmate) also like that.no choice university life is like that busy for assignment, test and presentation.
and my English poor like hell. Read a journal also need for one whole day. Luckily now just left few task then mission will be accomplished. (1 report, 1 debate, 1 presentation and 1 comment) after this week i will get back my freedom.
this few day really relax just play game sleep and eat only. wa........... if everyday like this my life like become in a heaven. and now need to prepare logistic management's assignment again. will be back after this. bye bye.............
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